ClinionAI uses Deep Learning NLP models to automate the coding of Adverse Events and Concomitant Medication.
The AI Medical Coding algorithm has been trained on millions of biomedical terms for medical context learning using machine learning models.
MedDRA dictionaries are encoded and embedded in the model. Adverse event terms entered into Clinion EDC are matched with the MedDRA dictionary terms by the ML Algorithm and results with associated confidence scores are displayed. Users can choose the best fit!

85%+ Accuracy
With 100% coding and over 85% accuracy with completion times measured in minutes, not hours - imagine the world's fastest, most accurate coder joining your team.
Integrated With EDC
Comes integrated and inbuilt into Clinion EDC and does not need additional training to deploy and use.
Save over 50%
Over 50% savings when compared to manual coding. AI Medical Coding provides 100% coding with over 85% accuracy. Coding teams can simply pick and commit to complete coding. reducing coding timelines and costs.
Scalable Medical Coding
Effortlessly adds the capacity to code thousands of terms without any changes in timelines or resources.
The Impact of AI Medical Coding on Clinical Trials

For Coding Teams
Big Efficiency and Accuracy gains boost coding teams ability to process large data with improved data quality

For Data Management Teams
Real-time access to coded data to strengthen operations, reporting and analytics

For CROs and Sponsors
Reduce risk by identifying anomalies from patient data faster and providing audit-ready or submission-ready medical coding files.